Nearly 30 years ago, our product founder, Neil Christie, had a huge problem.
Neil was an engineer who designed sewerage treatment systems.
The huge problem was a new tourism development on the pristine Fraser Island in Queensland, Australia.
The specifications said that:
“zero output of human-caused waste was allowed to be let out in to the habitat”.
That means no organic waste at all. No sewage, no fats, no oils or grease, or food scraps, hair or soap!
Neil knew that the only way to achieve this was to introduce the right biological treatment (microbes) into the systems as early as possible.
And he set out to do it.
That was the beginning of MiClearUp.
Now, MiClearUp products contain 14 different types of microbes in a highly concentrated liquid form. They have been specifically developed to break down and eat various types of waste.
All the microbes are naturally occurring, are non-toxic and will not harm humans or animals.
Today Neil’s microbes are transforming environments all over Australia, the Pacific, New Zealand and Asia.
Environments as small as a wheelie bin or an RV holding tank right up to sewage plants, rubbish tips and even fish farms and mining camps.
Neil has been now involved in the waste industry for more than 3 decades.
He is an approved Water Efficiency Assessor, working in conjunction with Water Services Australia and is a member of Australian Water and Waste Association.
His products and experience in the management of waste using microbes are impacting people like you and I in ways he never dreamed possible.
The family of products are used by thousands of people and organisations.
They are used by households, RVs, boats, shopping centres, commercial office buildings, convention centres, hospitals, fast food outlets, hotels, holiday resorts, government departments and local councils.
Our Grease Trap Cleaner
… is used in commercial kitchens in restaurants and food courts, shopping centres, hotels convention centres and even hospitals.
It’s used to eliminate unpleasant odours, extend grease trap evacuations to once every 12 weeks (or longer) rather than every three of four weeks, reduce blockages and reduce effluent discharge into council systems.
For RVs
… and portable toilets is where the original development started. Managing waste in a closed system.
And we have designed this product with the RV user in mind:
Highly concentrated so they take up very little space in the caravan or motorhome, and they also release only a small amount of liquid into the holding tank.
… product eliminates smells and improves effective operation of sewage treatment plants. It can also be used to eliminate odours and speed up the breakdown of waste in large commercial waste dumps. (A trial in the main dump in Shanghai produced substantial results with both liquid and solid waste in 48 hours, many days quicker than 23 other international products trialled at the same time.)
… ensures effective operation of both waterless and flushing urinals in men’s toilets.
For example, in a 40 level commercial building in Brisbane use of the product has reduced flushing cycles from once every two minutes in a ten hour day to just two janitorial flushes per day, saving many hundreds of thousand of litres of water per year. It is estimated that the water saving cost in this building alone is more than $101,000 per year.
The product is being used in a number of toilets in shopping centres and is being introduced to multi story buildings to reduce odours, clear blocked pipe work and ensure efficient operation of the toilets.
… breaks down dangerous and slippery grease and waste on tiled kitchen and bathroom floors and will also break down mould.
… eliminates waste build up and odours in large industrial waste bins and skips and can be used just as effectively in wheelie bins.
And we’re working on many other projects so there is more to come.

In your RV or caravan toilet and sink just pour 40 mls (4 capfuls) into your toilet and the same in your sink if you have a grey water tank. Flush with a glass of water to make sure the microbes get down into your holding tank. Do this once a week. There are 12 weekly doses per bottle.
Initially you may need to do this more frequently as the good microbes fight for dominance, especially if you have been using chemicals previously. You will know if the odour has not disappeared in 24 hours. However, over time the microbes create a film on the inside of your tank and will still perform for you even after dumping.
At home pour 40 mls into a bucket and half fill the bucket with water and pour this in to sinks, toilets, showers and wash basins. Do this once a month. There are 12 monthly doses per bottle.
This will keep all of your drains clear and prevent odours. If you have a septic system as I do, then you may need an ex
tra dose if you are having increased use periods (when the family come and stay at Christmas). (The 5 litre refill bottle is available here.)
Order the 1/2 litre bottle below now!